Nogalis training courses

Infor has announced that their mainline support for Lawson will continue through 2030, and extended support for Windows Server 2012 is ending this October! Are you ready? Join us for some tips to make your migration to Windows Server 2019 as smooth as possible.



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Don’t wait!  Contact us to get a quote on your server migration now!

An accompanying article for this webinar can be found here

More and more organizations are moving their ERP services into the Infor Cloud each day. Join us for a discussion about how a managed service provider can be an invaluable resource when you move to the cloud.




An accompanying article for this webinar can be found here


Learn how to customize the user experience in all your Landmark applications with the Configuration Console.  We’ll show you how to create user fields, how to bring data from a related business class into a form, and more!




APIs provide a secure way for unrelated applications to communicate with each other. IPA allows you to utilize third-party APIs to integrate applications with Lawson. It is a way to export data such as employee records or purchase requests, as well as importing data such as time records or third-party billing & revenue.

Learn how to use IPA to effectively communicate with third party applications in real or near-real time.


As you might have heard, Microsoft is hardening their security with LDAP channeling and LDAP signing in an update coming sometime in the 2nd half of 2020. Any applications that rely on LDAP connections to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) or Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) need to be converted to LDAPS. LDAPS is a secure connection protocol used between applications like Lawson and the Network Directory or Domain Controller. In this webinar, we will provide you step-by-step instructions for preparing your Lawson and Landmark environments to work with LDAP Signing.



View the supplementary article Configuring Lawson and Landmark for LDAP Signing for a step by step guide.

With the upcoming Chrome 80 update, here is a simple workaround to disable SameSite cookies. To reach the chrome flags page, type this in your URL bar: chrome://flags




It’s that time of year again! Infor has released the regulatory patching for Lawson. Patching affects 1099 reporting, benefits/ACA, and payroll. We have compiled some tips to help make your year-end patching experience as smooth as possible.



Is documenting your interfaces challenging? Do you find yourself confused as to what you should focus on and how to best format things? Do you feel that the work you’re creating is not going to get used and you are not sure where to store it all? Join our webinar to get answers to all those questions and learn a new way to create accurate, valuable and well written documentation for your team. We’re going to cover a host of topics including:

  • How documentation of your interfaces will impact things
  • What you should include in your interface documentation
  • How to effectively create a document that has value to the organization
  • How to store your documents for best value, retention, correctness, and accountability
  • Q/A


As you might have heard, we’ve been working on a fully cloud-based, vendor self service solution for about a year now. We have worked with several customers to create a solution that is simple, intuitive, and brings instant value to any organization dealing with vendors and suppliers. Join us on Thursday June 6th (9am PST) as we do a walk-thru and a public Q&A. The webinar will feature the following modules and functionality:

  • Vendor OnBoarding
  • Vendor Check Requests and Invoice Submissions
  • Purchase Requests
  • Routing, Approvals, Document Management, Audit, Integration, and much more