If you are running a Federation Sync in Landmark, and you get the below message “Socket timeout exception occurred”, you may need to increase the max heap on the lase node. This error message will also present itself in the security_authen.log on the Landmark server.

Sun Apr 25 17:07:26.438 EDT 2021 – 1584534648 – L(2) : Sync Analysis failed with exception. Details: Socket timeout exception occurred. (read timed out).

Stack Trace :

com.lawson.security.server.LawsonNetException: Socket timeout exception occurred. (read timed out).

at com.lawson.security.server.events.BaseEvent.readMsg(BaseEvent.java:235)

at com.lawson.security.server.client.ClientActorEvent.getNextActorIds2(ClientActorEvent.java:239)

at com.lawson.lawsec.authen.SyncAnalysis.getRemoteActorList(SyncAnalysis.java:2962)

at com.lawson.lawsec.authen.SyncAnalysis.loadActorsToSync(SyncAnalysis.java:1299)

at com.lawson.lawsec.authen.SyncAnalysis.performActorSyncAnalysis(SyncAnalysis.java:513)

at com.lawson.lawsec.authen.SyncAnalysis.run(SyncAnalysis.java:269)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

To update the lase max heap, open the Grid Admin window. Go to Configuration Manager > Grid Configuration > Grid Properties > Node Memory > Max Heap. Update the max heap to an appropriate level.

Save the setting and restart the lase node, or restart Landmark.

While you are running the federation sync, you can monitor the lase node in the grid’s topology view to see if your setting is appropriate for future syncs.


When dissecting the Object field of the comment (which contains the actual verbiage of the comment and other information) the first value is TYPE. This type determines the type of the comment that is stored.

The comment types for those added to an AP Invoice are as follows:

Invoice Note/Report/Check Comments Type=A
Invoice Notes Type=N
Invoice Report Comments Type=D
Invoice Check Comments Type=C

Keep in mind that to have the comments print on a check, not only would you need to have an Invoice Note/Report/Check Comments  or Invoice Check Comments the users need to make sure that when the payment processing jobs (AP155/AP160 or AP161)  needs to be set to Print or Include Comments.

If you have to open an Infor ticket for any Lawson product, such as EDI or EMSS, one of the first questions is going to be which version of the application you are using. Here are some quick ways to find your versions.


Navigate to LAWDIR/<prodline>/edi/install/install.cfg and look for “COMPONENT.EDI.VERSION”


Open the shopping screen (or any RQC screen) and select the down arrow in the far right corner. Click “About”.


Open any Infor-delivered EMSS screen and click the down arrow in the upper right corner. Click “About”.

Smart Recon

Open the System Configuration menu item and make note of the “application fileversion”.


When installing a new IPA product line using the intall-lpa.pl command in Landmark, you may encounter the error “Security Class does not exist.” This will prevent the IPA environment from completing the install. To resolve this error, first run the command “scupdate <product line>”. This command will generate all the security classes needed for the new IPA product line. Then, rerun the install-lpa.pl command, and it should complete successfully.

Error messages (on the command line, and also found at LALOGDIR/managelpa_<pdl>.log)

Run the scupdate command and verify no errors

Complete the IPA product line install


If you perform a Java update on your Landmark server, and your JAVA_HOME location is moving, you will need to update the java location in several places in Landmark.


For the Grid, first open an administrator command window and navigate to GRID_HOME/grids/<grid name> and run the “ChangeJDK.cmd” command with the NEW location of Java:

Next, open the Grid Management Pages. Go to Configuration > Grid Configuration > Grid Properties. Select Property “Java Executable (Path)”. Set the Java path to the new location under your grid host.


For Landmark, set the JAVA_HOME and LAW_JAVA_HOME environment variables to the new location. It is also a good idea to update LAW_JAVA_HOME in the LASYSDIR/install.cfg file for future patches.

Finally, open an administrator command window and set the Landmark environment variables. Navigate to the NEW java location. Run the command java -jar %LAENVDIR%/java/jar/bcinstall.jar. Verify that this command adds the bouncycastle provider to the java.security file located at JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security. Also, verify that the command copies the “bcprov” jar to JAVA_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/ext. If either of these tasks is not completed, you can handle them manually.

Run a stoplaw/startlaw and restart the grid. Or, better yet, reboot the server.

To verify that the new java location is being used by all the application systems, open task manager, and add the “Command line” header under the details screen. Verify that all “java.exe” processes are running from the correct location. You are now safe to uninstall your old java instance.


If your WebSphere deployment manager, node agent, or application server will not start, it can be a good idea to flush the WAS temporary directories and cached files.

First, stop all your IBM processes.

Then, back up the existing configurations for all profiles:

  • On a administrator command window, navigate to WAS_HOME/profiles/<profile>/bin
  • Run command backupConfig <backupfilepath>

Next, rename the following directories (or remove them, but it’s safer to rename):

  • WAS_HOME/profiles/<profile>/wstemp
  • WAS_HOME/profiles/<profile>/temp
  • WAS_HOME/profiles/<profile>/config/temp
  • Again, you should do this for ALL your profiles

Now, delete the javasharedresources directory located at C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\

Now, run the commands to clear the cache:

  • Navigate to WAS_HOME/profiles/<profile>/bin
  • Run command osgiCfgInit
  • Run command clearClassCache

Once again, perform ALL of these steps for ALL your WebSphere profiles.

Have you come across the Lawson Add-ins Query Wizard Error – “There might be a mismatch with the server and product line you chose”?

This error occurs when you’ve logged into Lawson query wizard and opened up your dme script and the product line in the dme file is incorrect.

To resolve this error, locate your .dme file, right-click it >> Open with >> Notepad (or your own text editor)

In the file on the first line, you should see the product line, in our example it is TEST10 and needs to be changed to PROD10

Simply change the TEST10 to PROD10, select File >> Save

Open the dme file again in excel and the mismatch error should be resolved.