Entries by Angeli Menta

Guide to different types of CRM

At its core, customer relationship management (CRM) software offers a practical easy-to-use platform for every business. CRM manages all aspects of a business’s interaction with current and potential customers. Regardless of the type of CRM, all such systems come with basic functionalities, such as a database, dashboards for tracking metrics, and sales and marketing tools. The […]

Five ERP Features You’ll See Soon

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) has evolved from a once stiff notion to a more nimble process. This is all thanks to the advancement of resources, especially cloud technology. Moving to the cloud opens up more flexibility for businesses to use this software more efficiently. Toolbox.com shares five ERP features in the works that we should […]

10 technology trends to watch in the COVID-19 pandemic

According to the World Economic Forum, there following 10 technology trends can help us build a resilient society in this global crisis. Online Shopping and Robot Deliveries. COVID-19 has transformed online shopping from a nice-to-have to a must-have around the world. Digital and Contactless Payments. Contactless digital payments, either in the form of cards or […]

Leveraging CRM in the Face of COVID-19

Danny Estrada from Destination CRM shares an interesting read on how companies can leverage customer relationship management (CRM) in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Let us break down all three parts of this system: Customers According to Estrada, “When your teams are forced to work remotely, CRM can provide access to critical information needed […]

The Potential of ERP Amid a Pandemic

In the midst of a global pandemic with the COVID-19, or coronavirus disease, many sectors have taken a drastic shift in the business world. According to Automation World, new research indicates that a weakened supply chain is the biggest business disruption related to COVID-19. The virus will have both short- and long-term effects for manufacturers. […]

Infor WMS Solution Provides 20% Productivity Increase in Order Picking for EVA

Infor recently announced the successful implementation of Infor WMS (warehouse management system) in the distribution centers of EVA, the largest Ukrainian chain of health and beauty stores. EVA is the leader in the perfumery and cosmetics segment selling cosmetics, perfumes, hygiene products, body care products, household chemicals, accessories and household goods. The implementation of Infor WMS — […]