3 Steps To Embedding Artificial Intelligence In Enterprise Applications

In today’s modern tech world, all contemporary applications that exist use some form of a database, whether it be flat files, in-memory or NoSQL, small or large databases. In the next few months, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) will be necessary…

Lawson System Foundation – launtdll.dll

When applying updates to Lawson System Foundation, you may see an error returned  in the log saying, "Error: Fatal Not all files were delivered."  While the red highlighted message does not indicate exactly what the problem is, the actual…

IP Designer Series – The Encrypt & Decrypt Nodes

These nodes can be used to encrypt/decrypt data or files for secure transmission.  Before you begin, you must have a PGP key pair generated by a network security administrator. Both nodes have the same properties: Configuration name…

How to tell which version of Ming.le you are using

Sometimes when you are troubleshooting issues with Ming.le, your support technician will ask which version of Ming.le you are using, Enterprise or Foundation.  There are a couple of ways to determine this. First, you can open your Ming.le…

How to Avoid the 7 Most Common Pitfalls of ERP Software Selection

It's not a simple decision to choose to invest your company in enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Unfortunately, many companies try to get through this decision quickly and end-up making costly mistakes. Here are a few steps to follow…

Dealing with blank.htm

Users may find that the browser returns blank.htm when accessing the Lawson portal screen.  With Internet Explorer, this can be caused by Compatibility View Settings.  To verify the setting, click on the cog in the upper right of the browser. …

WebSphere Update Error

When updating a WebSphere fix pack, the following error can be seen from the IBM Installation Manager. The update in this example is from WebSphere to Fix Pack 10 - Looking at the error details shows that a dll…

Configuring the Landmark Main Configuration Set

This article will demonstrate how to set up the most commonly-used Infor Lawson configurations in Landmark. Infor delivers two configuration sets with Landmark: “main” and “system”.  “Main” refers to the LSF environment, and…

How to write an effective RFP

In this brief, 1 hour webinar, we will go over the components of a success oriented Request For Proposal (RFP). Get never before shared insights as to how vendors evaluate and respond to RFPs and maximize the responses to your next request.…

Infor Provides Radar for Healthcare Providers

With the current administration’s goal to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act, the future of Healthcare is in question. Infor just recently announced that they will soon be adding 6 new modules, which it refers to as Infor Provider Market…
