Update the ADFS Token-Signing Certificate

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When the ADFS Token-Signing certificate is updated on the ADFS server, it will have to be imported to Lawson and Infor OS.  The networking team should let the Lawson team know when the certificate is being updated in ADFS.

Someone with admin rights on the ADFS instance will need to export the certificate and provide you with the “.cer” file before these tasks can be completed.

Update the Certificate in Lawson

Log onto the Lawson Server

Start a ssoconfig -c session

Go to “Manage WS Federation Settings” > “Manage Certificates”

Select “Delete WS Federation Certificate”

Select “Create certificate for “WS Federation”

Select “Delete IdP certificate”

Enter the service name of your ADFS service (if you are unsure, export all the services and look for the one that redirects to  your ADFS server).

Select “Import IdP Certificate”

Enter the service name of your ADFS service

Provide the full path where you have the token-signing certificate saved

Reboot the server

Update the Certificate in Infor OS

Log into the Infor OS server as the LAWSON user

Log into the InforOSManager (should be an icon on the desktop)

Go to Identity providers on the left side

Double-click on your IdP

Select “From URL” to import the new certificate and metadata

Provide the URL: https://<your adfs server>/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml

Click “Load”

Make sure the certificates load (there may only be one, but there should be at least one)

Reboot the server



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