Top 8 ERP implementation best practices

Implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a colossal task. If done right, it is extremely beneficial. If done poorly, it could hurt you business dramatically. For a successful implementation, business professionals need to learn how to reduce and prepare for risks and failures. Tony Kontzer, a California-based freelance journalist at TechTarget, shared an article highlighting 8 ERP implementation best practices companies should consider when deploying their new system.

  1. Define business goals first. “Companies should start by getting clear on desired key performance indicators and doing the strategic planning needed to align the effort with what the company does.”
  2. Address data quality. “The ERP implementation process presents an ideal opportunity to get the entire organization’s data in order. Getting a handle on the issue has become even more important during the emerging era of cloud ERP and AI-driven analytics, with data typically being pulled seemingly from everywhere.”
  3. Get clear on your staffing strengths and weaknesses. “This is a general IT rule of thumb, but it’s especially important for ERP deployments. ERP touches every part of a company, affects nearly every process, records every transaction and spits out insights. If an organization wants to get it right, having the right people can make a huge difference.”
  4. Find a trusted implementation partner. “The search for a good implementation partner can be tough, but it’s well worth the effort.”
  5. Create a good implementation methodology. “Implementation methodologies will make or break the success of an ERP rollout. A good ERP deployment requires defining business requirements through documentation.”
  6. Focus on communication. “Regardless of whether a deployment is on premises or in the cloud, employees need to know how the software changes their jobs and then be trained on those new tools. This can go a long way toward determining how effectively users adopt a new system.”
  7. Embrace the little failures along the way. “Little failures will undoubtedly happen during the course of a deployment. How an organization responds to them will help to determine how effective the new ERP system ultimately becomes.”
  8. Know when to wait. “Business processes have become so complicated, and the average company has so many more applications and systems it’s relying on, that the post-deployment stages of integrating processes and bringing people up to speed have lengthened. Sometimes, companies would be better served by resisting the urge to implement a new ERP system now when now may be too soon.”


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