How to adjust the Maximum Heap Size of a Node in Landmark Grid

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To adjust the maximum heap size of a node in Landmark Grid, you first need to be logged into the Grid Management Console. From there, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Configuration Manager link  (the gears icon located at top right corner).
  2. Next, click “Applications”.
  3. Select your Landmark deployed application.
  4. Click “Edit Properties”.
  5. Under Grid Defined Properties,  click “Max Heap”.
  6. Select the “All” Radio Button.
  7. Find the node you wish to adjust, and click on value it is currently assigned.
  8. In the popup window, enter a new value and click save.
  9. In the top left corner of the screen, click save again to apply the changes.
  10. Click the home link in top right corner.
  11. Click the stop link (black box in top right corner of the node you adjusted)
  12. The system will shutdown that JVM then, automatically restart it for your change to take affect.

And you’re done. Good luck!