Navigating ERP Upgrades in Manufacturing

These days the competitive landscape of the manufacturing industry demands operational efficiency and innovation that smart factories promise. To empower manufacturers, these factories use cutting-edge technologies and digital processes, which rely on robust enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems for streamlining production, improving development, logistics efficiency, and optimizing supply chains and planning. Emmanuelle Hose, Global Vice President, Industry Solutions at Rimini Street, shares an article on on how manufacturers are navigating such needed ERP upgrades in their business processes. A significant challenge that hinders businesses’ scalability, Hose mentions, is the issue of pressured ERP system migrations. “Manufacturers have found themselves entangled in vendor-dictated roadmaps and pressured by major software providers to integrate disruptive and costly migrations to cloud-based systems. These migrations are not simple upgrades, but constitute significant shifts that can jeopardize years of customization and integration. These are critical factors affecting the operational DNA of manufacturing organizations,” says Hose. One of the main priorities manufacturers are looking for in an ERP upgrade is the flexibility, control and cost-effectiveness, leading them to explore alternatives to pressured, vendor-driven modernization roadmaps. “To navigate an era of vendor-imposed upgrades and migrations, a strategic shift in mindset is required,” notes Hose. “Manufacturing leaders must recognize that ERP systems are mission-critical to operations, and the path forward must avoid disruptive migrations.”


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