10 ERP trends for 2024 and beyond

Enterprise resource planning has since been promoted from a basic business application to your organization’s powerhouse. It is a necessity in today’s business landscape. With its ever growing need and new developments and improvements in technology, the ERP landscape is constantly changing. Christine Campalle, B2B business technology specialist, highlights the top ten trends on TechTarget that we’ll see in ERP for 2024 and beyond.

  1. Clean core lays groundwork for SaaS ERP
  2. AI powers industrial ERP
  3. ERP modernization leads to cloud ERP
  4. Automation becomes a requirement in RFPs
  5. Analytics are a must-have
  6. Generative AI becomes embedded
  7. Demand rises for industry-specific cloud
  8. Regulations determine how data is stored
  9. ERP assists with ESG filing
  10. Midmarket adopts alternative ERP systems
Ultimately, while ERP will continue to be an important part of many companies, says Campalle, these ERP trends reflect a shift in how companies view ERP software and the capabilities associated with it. She concludes, “The increase in SaaS models, fueled by a clean core, is just the beginning when combined with generative AI, analytics and other capabilities to improve business processes and efficiency.”

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