Georgia-Pacific’s Packaging & Cellulose Business Implements Infor CloudSuite Solution

Infor recently announced that Georgia-Pacific’s Packaging & Cellulose business implemented Infor’s CloudSuite solution, powered by its core M3 ERP (enterprise resource planning) system. The goal of the project is to transform business processes and provide a greatly enhanced customer experience. Per the press release, the first completed phase of the rollout saw Infor’s multi-tenant cloud solution (Supply Chain Planning, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Factory Track, and Yard Management) serving as the core technology platform for the mill-based businesses. In addition, moving the business to a common platform and aligned processes enables the consolidation of key functions and retirement of more than 90 percent of the legacy applications previously in use. Moreover, Infor’s M3 ERP system and associated edge applications will be the new core system covering order management, customer experience, supply chain and accounting. Georgia-Pacific’s Packaging & Cellulose business anticipates that the Infor solution will help drive business value in several key areas such as improving business processes, delivering enhanced customer experience, and providing a multi-tenant cloud environment.


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