6 Cyber-Threat Areas for Companies and Organizations to Prioritize

An ever evolving digital world is a double edged sword. While we embrace innovation, with it usually always comes the need to protect ourselves from digital threats. If you’re online no matter how little a footprint, you are vulnerable to data breaches and ransomware. Chuck Brooks, a global Thought Leader in Cybersecurity and Emerging Tech, shares an article on Forbes of the ever present cyber-threats that companies must prioritize to stay ahead and reduce risks. The focus needs to be on the cyber-attack surface and vectors for 2023 and beyond, says Brooks, so we can figure out what can be done to reduce threats and improve resiliency and recovery. There are 6 areas, he believes, with growing threats that should be prioritized for those protecting the expanding digital ecosystem. They include:

  1. Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. “New paradigms for automation in cybersecurity are emerging from artificial intelligence and machine learning. Computers using AI and ML are built for a variety of fundamental tasks, such as speech recognition, learning and planning, and problem-solving. They make it possible for predictive analytics to make statistical conclusions to reduce risks while consuming fewer resources. Data synthesis is undoubtedly helpful in cybersecurity for reducing threats. AI and ML in the context of cybersecurity can offer a quicker way to discover new attacks, make statistical inferences, and send that information to endpoint protection solutions. Due to the severe lack of experienced cybersecurity employees and expanding attack surface, this is extremely crucial. Cybercriminals are already attacking and investigating the networks of their victims using AI and ML capabilities. Healthcare institutions in particular, small businesses, and organizations, that cannot afford major investments in defensive developing cybersecurity are primary targets.”
  2. Polymorphic Malware. “Malware that is polymorphic uses the idea of polymorphism to avoid detection rather than for efficiency. The concept behind polymorphic malware is that if a specific malware strain is recognized for having particular characteristics, future versions of that infection might avoid detection by making minor changes. Polymorphic malware is currently being shared more frequently by criminal hacking groups and might perhaps become a real issue in the future as it can circumvent two-factor authentication and other authentication security procedures.”
  3. Advanced Botnets. “Artificial intelligence and machine learning advancements have made it possible for botnets to easily automate and quickly scale up cyberattacks. Cybercriminals are increasingly using Bot-as-a-Service to outsource attacks. Although there are several other kinds of botnets, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)-style attacks are still regarded as the most frequent danger.”
  4. Ransomware. “Ransomware has increased because of new methods of malware delivery and the ability for criminal hackers to get paid via cryptocurrencies while remaining anonymous. Ransom demands, recovery times, payments, and breach lawsuits are all on the rise as the trend continues. Ransomware-based extortion by hackers who demand payment in cryptocurrency poses a potentially persistent and developing threat.”
  5. Supply Chains. “The supply chain has historically been one of the areas where cyberattacks have been most vulnerable. Supply chain cyber-attacks can be perpetrated by nation state adversaries, espionage operators, criminals, or hacktivists. Their goals are to breach contractors, systems, companies, and suppliers via the weakest links in the chain. This is often done through taking advantage of poor security practices of suppliers, embedding compromised (or counterfeit) hardware and software, or from insider threats within networks.”
  6. Quantum. “When full quantum computing comes online, public key algorithms will become vulnerable and perhaps obsolete – this is termed QDay. There is little doubt that quantum computers will be able to perform faster and more precise computations than classical computers and could pose geo-military threats if in the wrong hands. And that the same computing power that allows complex problems to be solved can, in turn, be applied to undermine cybersecurity. This is because current cybersecurity protocols typically use pseudo-random numbers to encrypt sensitive information such as passwords, personal data, and quantum computers can crack the methods traditional computers use to generate random numbers, posing a significant threat to any organization using standard encryption tools.”


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