Three Transportation Tech Trends That Will Shape Cities And Countries

The transportation industry has had an uplift in technological advances in recent years. From digital ticketing to app-based ride-sharing and food delivery, technology has made transportation widely available and easier to use use for our every day commute. Though it is easy to say that technology in the transportation industry is just getting started. Miroslav Katsarov, is the CEO of Modeshift and Forbes Technology council member, shares an article forecasting three trends in the transportation sector that will positively impact communities.


Adoption Of SaaS And MaaS-based Solutions. “Undoubtedly, the most impactful advancement shaping modern transport systems has been the transition from legacy systems—outdated computing software and/or hardware—to software-as-a-service (SaaS) and cloud-based solutions. Since legacy systems are expensive to operate and maintain and are susceptible to cybersecurity vulnerabilities, more and more municipalities are transitioning to SaaS-based solutions, which are generally more flexible, secure and reliable. SaaS solutions, such as contactless payments, also grew in popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic as consumers preferred safer in use transit technologies.

Even further, SaaS is only the first step to modernize legacy systems. Some cities have also embraced another digital trend, mobility as a service (MaaS), which uses tech solutions to find the most convenient, efficient and timely commuting routes. Instead of purchasing individual tickets for specific legs of the trip, MaaS solutions enable commuters to purchase one ticket that covers the entire trip.”


Powering Smart Cities With Integrated, Actionable Data. “Utilizing SaaS-based solutions offers another tremendous benefit to local transportation agencies: data collection and sharing. This access allows cities to leverage real-time data, like ridership demand and transportation patterns, to more efficiently plan bus or train routes.”


Achieving Equitable And Sustainable Public Transport. “MaaS solutions are a great first step toward an equitable and sustainable transit environment as they drive flexibility, accessibility and greater user experience. MaaS can make riders less dependent on cars and, by doing so, riders would have more affordable ridership options at their disposal. U.S. cities, such as Charlotte and Houston, have implemented strategic plans designed toward assessing how mobility solutions create a more even distribution of transportation services. By reducing the number of personal vehicles, MaaS can also help reduce carbon footprint.”


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