Leveraging Technology For Business Development

Business and technology go hand in hand in today’s digital age. It is important to drive productivity, engagement and growth with any new technological changes introduced. Saydiburkhon Saydirasulov, Forbes Councils Member and Business Development Executive at Jafton.com, takes a look into the areas in business where technology can be leveraged to manage and grow a business more effectively.

Automation Tools
“Automation tools help you optimize your process, reduce time-consuming chores and guarantee continuous follow-up with leads and customers… Customer relationship management (CRM) software and workflow integration can be used to automate follow-ups, outreach emails and appointment scheduling. In addition, a booking app may be used to send automatic reminders to customers, assuring their attendance at booked meetings or appointments,” says Saydirasulov.

Data is such an important priority for your business to not invest more tools and resources into analyzing and using the information. Saydirasulov notes, “Not understanding your target market and the appropriate sales strategies to implement can cost companies a lot of money and create a lot of damage in the long term. The majority of automated CRMs provide weekly, monthly and yearly analytics data, which can be used to develop a better understanding of the market in general. These reports tend to give viable insights into the behavior of your target audience, enabling you to customize your sales strategy to meet their specific requirements.”

Content Generation
“Without quality content, it is virtually impossible to create brand awareness, engage a target audience and increase conversions. Content generation is only going to be more and more relevant as Gen-Z ages,” saye Saydirasulov. “The tech industry is currently going through great changes due to recent progress in AI technologies such as ChatGPT. Because of these new AI tools, it is now much easier and faster to generate content and engage your audience. You may schedule content pieces in advance to maintain a continuous social media and email marketing presence. Moreover, visual content such as infographics, movies and photos can be readily produced utilizing AI tools and shared on social media platforms.”

It’s not just knowing the new technology available, it’s knowing how to apply it to further the development of your business.


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