Predicting Cloud Trends for 2022: Migration, Multicloud and ESG

There’s no doubt about it – cloud technology is ever more present and will continue to be present in our digital workspace. Looking ahead to where cloud computing will take us in the next year, Asim Razzaq, CEO of cloud cost management Yotascale, shares an article on of some key trends that span technology and social concerns.

More Teams Will Consider Migrating Their Workloads
“Depending on the skillset of the team you have to work with, migrating to multiple clouds can be an excellent strategy to avoid vendor lock in and cherry pick the best tools for each use case. Or it can be a drain on the engineering team as it creates more complexity and prevents teams from going “deep” enough on each cloud to get the most bang for the buck. Yet companies can be expected to invest deeply in cloud migration the year ahead.”

The Value of Multi-cloud Will Be Challenged
“Gartner predicts that by 2025, greater than 90% of enterprises will pursue a multi-cloud infrastructure and platform strategy. While almost all enterprises are now embracing some form of multi-cloud, it remains a challenge for teams to intimately know AWS, GCP, and Azure. To get the most benefit from a cloud and to get more cost savings, businesses need to go deeper and embed core services rather than building tools generically.”

Sustainability Will Hit an Inflection Point as Businesses Prioritize ESG
“As digital transformation and digital infrastructure increasingly becomes a key part of the modern economy, how businesses reduce their carbon footprint, treat their employees, and adhere to regulations in the industry are becoming bigger priorities in many organizations. As this concern grows, ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) is gaining momentum as a concern in the cloud market.”


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