Healthcare technology trends that have made our lives easier

The more healthcare develops the more it benefits the quality of patient care, services offered, efficiency, and overall making our lives easier. Although we may been skeptical at first with the technological advancements of healthcare, it turns out all we needed was a global pandemic to more or less embrace the developments in healthcare to its fullest. Lifestyle writer Vuyolwethu Fundam shares on Independent Online (IOL), one of South Africa’s leading news and information websites, some of the healthcare technology trends that have made it simpler for us to monitor our health, pandemic or not.

Telehealth – “Video conferencing, streaming media, and phone calls among other forms of virtual consultation is convenient because it can be done in the comfort of one’s own home.”

Mobile apps to keep track of health – “Mobile health tracking apps help us stay updated about our health. They vary from mental wellbeing, diagnostic tools, maternal care, medical calculators, and more.”

Wearable tech – “Wearable tech is no longer limited to just smart watches. Other advancements include iTBra (a smart wearable bra insert that can detect early breast cancer signs), MUSE (a brand sensing headband that helps you refocus during the day and recover at night while it plays relaxing meditation music), and Uptight Pro (a monitor that sticks to your back and tracks your spine’s movements, intended to correct your posture and fight back pain).

Digitization of healthcare records – “The digitization of healthcare records decreases the risks of over medication, under medication, or missing diagnoses.”


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