CRM’s role in successful digital transformation

Customer relationship management (CRM) and digital transformation have played key roles in the success of companies today. While these two elements are a separate entity, in reality the key to successful digital transformation comes from a successful CRM. Software expert Baburajan Kizhakedath at shares how CRM plays a key role in successful digital transformation. Often times digital transformation within a company see failure because most businesses don’t have the necessary precursors for digital transformation to succeed. Kizhakedath believes the role of CRM can fix this situation. CRM can improve sales enablement processes as well as sales productivity and effectiveness. Both of these concepts are important for the seamless implementation of digital transformation, says Kizhakedath. Further, CRM can boost digital transformation in the following ways:

  • Data and Analytics: CRM integrates data and analytic tools to improve consumer insight, thus resulting in greater personalization.
  • Social Media: CRM makes it easier for you to receive social insight from your consumers.
  • Customer Engagement: CRM provides tools to integrate with other third-party apps and services to improve engagement with consumers.
  • Emerging Technologies: utilizes tools that drive the next step in a process automatically.

Kizhakedath concludes that the margining of these two process – if integratedd correctly – will be a positive thing for your company.


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