Nylacast Forges Future-Proof Operations with Infor

Nylacast, a worldwide leader of precision engineered polymer solutions, has chosen Infor CloudSuite Industrial as its core technology platform. Having an aggressive growth strategy, Nylacast will utilize Infor’s application to shorten the timeline of achieving new capabilities within both its automotive and engineered products divisions, reducing risk and minimizing business disruption. Deployed via multi-tenant cloud and implemented by Infor partner JPO Solutions, According to the press release, Nylacast chose CloudSuite Industrial based on the enhanced functionality it offers over the existing on-premises application, the reduced management demands it is expected to make on Nylacast resources, and the robustness and flexibility cloud-based technologies offer. “This decision is based in our desire to develop a truly future-looking ERP system,” said Mark Bevan, CFO of Nylacast Group. “Moving to the cloud not only reduces cost but cuts the complexity of managing the hardware and enables us to continually evolve new capabilities instead of being confined to large-scale, cyclical releases that come with larger risk.”


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