4 Essential Processes for Structured CRM Success

Chris Dohl, CEO of The Alias Group, explores how to improve one of the most critical processes in sales strategy development, Customer relationship management (CRM). Dohl asks managers how important CRM is to their business and how critical it is to ensure that you are measuring and reacting to the correct information. It’s easy to point a finger at your CRM system for producing garbage dumps of customer data that will not benefit your business or strengthen customer retention. Although CRM systems may be the basket that holds all the information, often times it’s the data and the processes that are the root of the problem. Human error such as no lead generation, missing data, and lack of thorough analysis lead to bad data. To improve your CRM with structure and confidence, consider these four critical processes:

  1. Input Lead Source
  2. Populate Account Information/Profile Fields
  3. Create Opportunities
  4. Analyze Metrics

Growing B2B sales consistently requires structure to have confidence in the overall sales plan, and is measured year after year. Use these four processes to confidently improve your structured CRM processes.

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