ISAPI Filters


If you need multiple web sites for Landmark, when you run the IBM plugin configuration for additional sites the sePlugins ISAPI filter for the original site may be overwritten with the ISAPI dll from the new site. For example, the exectuable path for sePlugin on the site lmkdevweb was originally D:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\IIS_lmkdevweb\iisWASPlugin_http.dll.

After adding a new site, the sePlugin executable on the initial site may be updated incorrectly to D:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\IIS_lmkdevwebext\iisWASPlugin_http.dll. This could cause problems with the application not returning properly in the browser (http error 404). To prevent redirection problems, ensure that the path for each sePlugin is using the proper path for each site. For example:

IIS Site sePlugin Exectuable
lmkdevweb D:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\IIS_lmkdevweb\iisWASPlugin_http.dll
lmkdevwebext D:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\IIS_lmkdevwebext\iisWASPlugin_http.dll