4 CRM marketing trends to ignite 2019

Never has the term “customer centric” been more powerful than it is in this era of popular opinion. Thanks to technology, the customer’s voice has become more powerful than ever before. If businesses want to have success, they must cater to their customers and adjust their customer relationship management (CRM) strategies to cater to today’s ever-important customer needs. Sugeshni Subroyen, marketing guru for the Mint Group of Companies, shares  4 CRM marketing trends to tap into in 2019.

  1. Tapping into the millennial market – This demographic is taking over the “norm” and catering to this group can make or break your business. Millennials gravitate to brands with purpose; therefore, a big focus for 2019 is marketing products that stand for something and solutions that give back to society. 
  2. AI and data-driven insights – CRM technologies that make use of artificial intelligence to build rich 360-degree views of customer life cycles across multiple business disciplines unlock further customer possibilities.
  3. Social engagement – Sales and marketing teams need to monitor and understand customer sentiment and need to remain close to their customers on a regular basis. Most CRM systems enable sentiment-analysis monitoring through social engagement, which allows sales and marketing professionals to be proactive in engaging with their customers to increase customer retention rates.
  4. Mobile/voice search and voice assistants – Voice search and digital assistants are the new trends that are fast becoming the primary mode of search (i.e. Cortana, Alex and Siri) By 2020 more than half of all searches will take place via voice search. Organizations should enhance their campaigns to cater to user search intent which is either informational, navigational or transactional. 

BONUS: 5. Dynamics 365 for trend adoption – Cloud-based CRM technologies, such as Dynamics 365, comprise intelligent applications that drive sales productivity and improve the value of marketing efforts through social insights, business intelligence and campaign management. Dynamics 365 can easily cater to the trends mentioned above as well as any future developments. 

As we continue to evolve in this digital age, businesses need to stay closely connected with customer expectations on an ongoing basis.  Therefore, your CRM strategy should be based on a system that can seamlessly adapt to trends.

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