Running MSCM Install Scripts


Sometimes the install wizard for MSCM installs and updates doesn’t work quite the way you would hope.  In many cases, I have found that I needed to uninstall MSCM, run through the wizard without actually installing, and run the scripts manually so I can trap and fix errors.

All of these scripts are located at the MSCM install directory, in the cofig folder.

Here are the scripts that you would run in order to uninstall your current version of MSCM:

  1. uninstallmscm
  2. undeploymscm

If you are trying to install a new version, run the wizards to unpack the installer and generate the configuration files.  Then, run the install scripts in the following order:

  1. webspheregraft
  2. deploy
  3. installschedulertableprefix
  4. installmscm
  5. deploywithdb

Follow the instructions with each script, because in some cases, you will need to stop the application server and in some cases you will need to start it.