IIS Manager “Web Platform Installer” Troubleshooting


IIS Manager “Web Platform Installer” Troubleshooting

Nearly all guides regarding installing PHP in IIS recommend using the Web Platform Installer as it will take care of all the additional installs/configurations associated with PHP.

The Error:
When attempting to install PHP through Web PI, this RunPHP Helper error occurs, which stops all of the following installs as well:

This occurs because IIS attempts to download RunPHP Helper from https://sourceforge.net/projects/phpinstallermsi/files/zip/runphp.zip/download using Internet Explorer (IE). Unfortunately, Internet Explorer has issues accessing that site even if it will work perfectly fine in Chrome or other browsers.

The Solution:
Open IE and click the gear icon in the upper right and go to “Internet Options”:

Click on the “Advanced” tab:

Enable all the TLS options and click OK:

Test it out by visiting https://sourceforge.net/projects/phpinstallermsi/files/zip/runphp.zip/download using IE. If the page loads, the Web Platform Installer in the IIS Manager should now be able to install RunPHP Helper.