Infor Announces Coleman AI Platform

Infor just announced Coleman, an enterprise-grade, industry-specific Artifical Intelligence (AI)  platform for Infor CloudSuite applications to help maximise human work potential. Coleman mines data and uses powerful machine learning to improve inventory management, transportation routing, predictive maintenance, and other processes. The AI also provides recommendations for users to make smarter business decisions. Coleman helps optimize human work potential in four ways: Conversation, augmentation, automation, and advise. The AI’s conversational relationship and data processing with Infor Ming.le can reduce a user’s work week by 20 percent, significantly increasing productivity in the workplace.

Infor named their newest AI after inspiring physicist and mathematician Katherine Coleman Johnson. She was responsible for critical calculations during the space race at NASA, helping man into space, and later the moon. Mrs. Johnson’s story was depicted in the 2016 film Hidden Figures, and is a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Her passion for STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) is an inspiration for generations of engineers and scientists. Watch Infor’s video tribute to Katherine Coleman Johnson.

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