How Restaurant Technology Promotes Transparency and Efficiency in the Supply Chain

We live in the norm of a ‘digital age’ where technology has affected almost every aspect of our lives. In the restaurant industry, for example, technology has changed the way customers experience their meals at establishments. From ordering system to payment handling, technology is playing a large role. Not only is it effecting the front end operations, but everything behind the scenes as well. This is comes at the same time more and more people are becoming conscious of their choices to dine at certain establishments – not just for the value and taste of the food, but by the practices the restaurants uphold as well. Francine L. Shaw, food safety specialist, podcaster, and co-founder of My Food Source, shares an article on Restaurant Technology News how consumers want proof that brands are doing the right things in terms of following best practice safety protocols, working only with responsible vendors, ensuring product authenticity, mitigating risks, and boosting their sustainability practices. By improving their supply chain transparency, it shows that restaurants have nothing to hide. Shaw adds there are many advantages of transparency beyond customer trust. “When restaurants embrace technology to create resilient, flexible, efficient, and safe supply chains, they’ll reap numerous benefits, such as improved risk mitigation, increased productivity, better compliance with regulations, and enhanced ethical sourcing,” she adds. Shaw also suggests there are critical ways that  a restaurant can build and maintain a better supply chain, including leveraging technology, boost collaboration with supply chain partners, constantly regularly measure and monitor, provide proper employee training, and keep open communication with their stakeholders. There are numerous benefits of building and maintaining a transparent supply chain. Shaw concludes that by doing so, restaurants will be able to improve efficiency, safety, sustainability, communication, compliance with industry regulations, as well as consumer trust.


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