Decentralized Identity And The Future Of Technology

Content contributor Swalé, and founder of  identity platform that identifies value in user profile data and digital interactions Iuncta, shares an article on Forbes on decentralized identity and the future of technology. He enlightens us with a revelation: “My self awareness has helped me to recognize the value of who I am in the physical world and gain an appreciation for my own identity; my relationship to technology has helped me make the connection to the digital world and translated that worth into my online presence; and the part of me that is a technologist has convinced me that online identity is the most valuable thing on the internet.” He once predicted that technology’s path will become decentralized and it has since. Web 3.0, for example, is being built based on a decentralized architecture that emphasizes distributed control across all elements. Since his last successful prediction, Swalé has stated a new one: that the future of technology will be defined by the progress made in decentralizing user identity. Below are three ways he sees identity shaping technology.

Self-Sovereign Identity. “User identity will solve one of technology’s biggest problems: interoperability. It will be the medium though which independent systems interface and communicate with each other. User identity will no longer be proprietary information for third-party platforms because users will have sole ownership of their identity, and they will be able to freely take it and its related data to create a personalized and familiar experience across platforms.”

Meta Humans. “The concept of a digital automaton is no longer conceptual, it is a reality and they exist today as meta humans. The evolution of this will come in the form of donor banks for identity, where users can openly share their identity for some form of payment. That identity will then be replicated and with artificial intelligence create a digital human that can mimic our temperament, cognitive process and behavioral and emotional attributes, and predict our future decisions.”

App Monetization Reversal. “The usership monetization model will be changed, a role reversal of sorts, where users will be paid to use platforms, which directly counters today’s implementation, where users pay for platform membership. Platforms are still going to be profitable over time, but it will involve them making an earlier investment commitment to grow a user base by competing with other platforms for user screen time.”


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