What To Look For In An ERP Technology Partner

One of the biggest changes in the digital side of business for many is deciding what to do with their current enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Namely, is now the time to switch to a new platform? More importantly, should you switch from on-premise to the cloud? With all these decisions revolving around ERP, another thing to consider is choosing the right partner for this project. ERP deployment is no small task – this project takes a lot of time, labor, and employee commitment. The right ERP partner would be able to help you implement your system as well as teach your users how to navigate the new systems. Likewise, the best ERP partners will have round the clock support for you even during and after implementation. Kevin Beasley, CIO at VAI, shares an article on Forbes on what to look for when choosing an ERP technology partner. Below are some questions to ask when selecting the firm to implement your new ERP system.

  1. Will the provider offer personalized, ongoing support? “Ideally, a provider should designate a team of experts for your project for start-to-finish support. Look for a customized project plan for your business as no two businesses operate the same. Once the new ERP system is deployed, are you confident the provider’s support will continue? Post-deployment is a crucial time for providers to check in with you, offer additional training and determine whether adjustments are required.”
  2. Will the provider offer ongoing training? “An ERP solution is only as effective as the people behind it and how well they’re trained. End users within your organization must receive the right training, with content and language tailored to their business functions and technical knowledge. Your provider should offer guidance on which training is the best fit for each group involved, ensuring relevant information and ongoing support are available across the enterprise. The ERP provider should also offer different types of training, such as on-premise, remote and specific to detailed functions.”
  3. Will the provider assist with data integration and maintenance? “Data migration and integration is one of the most important and challenging aspects of an ERP deployment. During the project planning phase, providers should determine which data they’ll extract from your predecessor systems so you have access to accurate, high-quality data in your new system.”

It’s important for IT decision makers and business leaders in your organization to hold ERP solution providers to high standards that fit your needs, concludes Beasley. If they aren’t willing to tailor your implementation project to your particular needs, then they aren’t the right fit for you. Like choosing your next ERP system, selecting an implementation partner should take just as much thought and consideration for your business’ needs.


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