5 ways ERP can minimize the massive cost of power outages

Power outages can happen any time. Depending on your environment, they can be predictable. However, in any power outage, any business is at risk. Productivity comes to a standstill and you have the horror of losing any unsaved on-premise data. One of the easiest solutions to the latter problem is to have your business information on the cloud, especially your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Cloud ERP can be accessible over the internet anywhere and in times like sudden power outages, almost everything is stored safely in the cloud for you to recover. BusinessTech, the largest business news website in South Africa, knows that their area is no stranger to power outages. While you may not experience as many power outages where you live, they can still happen and at any time. Experts at BusinessTech share 5 ways that an ERP can help minimize risks and costs when you are in a power outage situation.

  1. Reduced risk of data loss. “When ERP data is in the cloud, this mitigates the risk of data loss, downtime from hardware failure, and malware attacks.”
  2. High availability. “Public cloud offers high availability, which is one of the key goals of moving to the cloud.”
  3. A secure platform for business. “Cloud providers tend to have high-level security technology and practices in place. These should include access-and identity management, multi-factor authentication, and Intrusion Detection.”
  4. Secure access to important data. “Among the major advantages of ERP software is the customizable dashboards that provide an understanding of business operations. With drag-and-drop visual elements, users can quickly interpret data to make informed decisions.”
  5. Business continuity compliance. “Backing up data is the first step to any successful business continuity plan, and this is certainly made easier – and more dependable – with the cloud. In addition, one of the key advantages of using the cloud for business continuity is that applications can be accessed from anywhere.”

If you’re not already in the Cloud ERP space, now may be a good time to look into it instead of later on when it may be too late.


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