The Future of Technology Showcased in 2022 Super Bowl Commercials

Super Bowl Sunday is notorious for people throwing tailgate parties at home with finger food platters, cheering on your favorite team, singing along to the show stopping halftime performances from iconic artists, and of course watching the entertaining lineup of commercials. From automobiles to movie trailers, to pizza to the latest technology, there is a commercial for everyone to take interest. This year’s technology lineup of commercials featured the popular craze in cryptocurrency with timeslots from Coinbase, FTX and, the all new MetaQuest 2 Virtual Reality headset, the Google Pixel 6 phone now with “real tone” photos, powerhouse musicians Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus gushing over T-Mobile’s 5G network,  Uber Eats’ expansion of delivering everyday essentials and groceries, the intuitiveness of Amazon’s Alexa voice AI, and Amazon Prime’s streaming service hype trailer for the following NFL season’s Thursday night games streaming exclusively on their app. These are just a handful of the popular tech trends of today and tomorrow. Which commercial/tech are you looking forward to the most?


Click here to view this year’s technology commercials on TechCrunch