The Foundation Of A Successful Digital Transformation Is In The Cloud

Cost Savings
“One of the biggest benefits of a cloud-based ERP is that it saves money. Users don’t have to dedicate resources to maintaining or updating infrastructure such as hardware or data servers. Companies can reduce spending on IT support since the data center itself will handle maintenance. Users only pay for the services needed, so every dollar is serving their goals.”

No More Data Silos
“Typically, one of the ultimate goals of a DT journey is to eliminate company data redundancies and silos. Modern cloud-based ERP solutions can help gather, store and analyze data within a single platform. This way, company leaders get better and more accurate business insights from the data, while also increasing the speed and ease of data retrieval.”

Easy Access From Any Location
“With a cloud-based ERP solution, there’s no need for employees to be in the office to access the system. They can simply log in from wherever they are – on the road, at the office, or at home. The power of this flexibility is incredibly valuable and allows companies to manage critical operations from remote locations.”

Emergency And Disaster Protection
“A good cloud ERP comes with data preparedness and redundancy in case of an emergency. Emergencies resulting in setbacks can be complex regardless of the business climate. But after the challenging year-plus most companies just weathered, emergencies can be especially detrimental. Protecting your business from unforeseen disasters may be the push that many once-reluctant companies need to begin their DT journey.”

Adopting to a cloud-based ERP solution is just the first step in your DT journey, says Roskill. He notes that the best businesses understand that DT is an ongoing effort with companies continually fine-tuning their business processes to make them more efficient and drive growth.


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