7 Indicators It’s Time for a New ERP System at Your Industrial Business

Investing in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is the best thing you could do for your business to stay productive. However, simply implementing one and never reevaluating it from time to time could hurt your business more than helping it. That’s because with ever growing advancements in business technology, sometimes older systems get outdated. Hugo Britt at thomasnet.com shares seven ways to tell that your ERP system is outdated.

  1. It Isn’t Cloud-based
  2. It Isn’t Mobile
  3. It Lacks Features That Are Now Industry Standard
  4. Vendor Support Has Been Discontinued
  5. It Can’t Integrate New Technologies
  6. It’s Creating Manual Work
  7. It Can’t Keep up with Regulatory Changes

An outdated ERP will incur plenty of loss for a company over time. Consider reevaluating your current system and determine if you need to update to a newer, better-integrated system.

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