How Technology Could Impact The Workplace Over The Next Decade

As we are settling in to the new year, developments in technology isn’t slowing down a bit, especially in business. Khadim Batti shares an article on Forbes of the changes in the workplace this year and over the next decade.

Hyper-Automation – with first-gen automation, robotic machinery accomplished repetitive tasks formerly done by people. Hyper-automation will involve stacking multiple machine learning software packages on top of automation tools to for advanced types of work.

Accelerated Digital Transformation – Most organizations tackle digital transformation to increase operational efficiencies and cut costs so as to harness technology to improve business models, operational efficiency and the customer experience.

Digital Adoption Solutions – Digital adoption solutions, or DAS, aims to accelerate employee adoption by cutting through the complexity of a company’s enterprise systems and integrating real-time, context-sensitive, on-screen prompts into an application.

Elevated Employee Experience – The makeup of the workforce has changed significantly, which is prompting different approaches to employee training and retention. One such change is the growing population of remote workers. Employers are making efforts to align their training and retention strategies for these types of employees.

Learning In The Flow Of Work – Global industry analyst Josh Bersin identifies a new concept called “Learning in the Flow of Work,” which recognizes that for learning to really happen, it must fit around and align itself to working days and working lives. This technique treats learning in the workplace as a continuous process.


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