With Einstein Voice, conversational CRM is about to go mainstream

Customer relationship management (CRM) industry analyst Brent Leary shared his thoughts on the revolutionary product called Einstein Voice, an artificial intelligence (AI) voice assistant created by Salesforce. While AI and voice controls/assistants are a popular interest to consumers, enterprises have yet to fully grasp the idea. In CRM, only a small number of businesses have dipped their feet in small amounts of virtual assistance for customers. Companies like Tact, Zoho, and Oracle have applied some sort of virtual assistant that are able to answer crm-data specific questions, general google-searchable questions, and basic “voice control” commands. But a majority of CRM vendors have stated that voice controls weren’t a priority. With Salesforce’s announcement of Einstein Voice Assistant, this new technology has taken AI and CRM’s relationship to the next level.

The preliminary details shared by Salesforce are that Einstein Voice Assistant will allow users to:

  • Talk to Salesforce on any device.
  • Conversationally update Salesforce
  • Get personalized daily briefings
  • Explore Salesforce dashboards
  • Build-Your-Own Voice Bots that are “connected to Salesforce CRM data and integrated with smart speakers.

More details on Einstein Voice will be shared at the Dreamforce Technology conference.

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