BN149 - ACA Measurement Assessment

Run ACA Measurement Assessment (BN149) to update employee's ACA MeasurementAssessment Dates (BN49) with information that creates assessment periods, calculates average hours based on ACA Hours (BN54), and determines the employee's Benefit Status when measurement period is analyzed in its entirety. Use the Main tab to filter your employees to selected employee populationsfor analysis, such as Reporting Entity, Process Level, Employee Group, Employee Status or Salary Class. See Weekly and monthly measurement parameters in the Benefits User Guide. There are two assessments: 1. Initial Assessment - Use to analyze your new hire and rehire population.Select the hire date and durations for the system to calculate the date rangesof the initial measurement, initial administrative and initial stability periods for the employee population. If the Initial Measurement Period Range cannot be completely analyzed, allInitial Period ranges (Initial Measurement, Initial Administrative, and Initial Stability) will be calculated, but average hours will be blank and benefit status will be Incomplete. In order to complete an Incomplete Initial Record, specify Completion As ofDate for the re-analysis of the entire Initial Measurement Period to determineaverage hours and a benefit status of either Eligible or Not Eligible. The Initial Completed record will edit the existing Incomplete Initial record for the employee, since the employee will only have one Initial Assessment. Use the First of Next Month to determine if the Initial Assessment starts thefirst of month following the hire date selected. If the hire date is the firstof the month, the assessment starts the same day and does not look to the nextmonth. The Incomplete and Completed Initial Assessment can be run together orseparately. 2. Standard Assessment - Use to analyze your on-going employee population.Specify the Assessment Period that will be used to create the employee's assessment periods and calculate the average hours and benefit status. We recommend that Payroll Close be complete for the date range prior toprocessing. You can run BN149 in report mode to see changes that will be made before yourun in update mode. After you run in update mode, the employee's ACA Measurement Assessment Date records (BN49) are created.

Updated Files
BNACADATES - No Description Available.
BNACAGRP - No Description Available.
BNACAHOURS - No Description Available.
BNACAPARM - No Description Available.
CKPOINT - No Description Available.
PGEMPLOYEE - No Description Available.
PRSYSTEM - No Description Available.
TAXGROUP - No Description Available.

Referenced Files
BNACAGRP - No Description Available.
BNCOMPANY - No Description Available.
EMPLOYEE - No Description Available.
EMSTATUS - No Description Available.
HRSECLEV - No Description Available.
PAEMPLOYEE - No Description Available.
PASCRTY - No Description Available.
PERSGROUP - No Description Available.
PGEMPLOYEE - No Description Available.
PRSYSTEM - No Description Available.
TAXGROUP - No Description Available.

INVOKED Programs

File created: Wed Jun 08 20:48:15 2016

Nogalis, inc.
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