BN145 - Flex Dollars Calculation

Run Flex Dollars Calculation (BN145) to calculate flex dollars for employees in a flex plan for an entire flex plan year. If a flex plan gives flex dollars based on benefit election, run BN145 to create flex dollar records so that each eligible employee becomes a participant in the flex plan. For each employee, the report lists: annual salary, base dollars, number of flex dollars given before benefit election, pre-tax dollar limits, and the total flex and pre-tax dollars. Base dollars are the flex dollars given to every eligible employee in the flex plan. If the flex dollars calculated for an employee are greater than the plan's maximum or less than the plan's minimum, the report shows the increase or decrease in flex dollars based on those parameters. **Processing Effect If the flex plan lets employees keep a percentage of their unspent flex dollars, when the application creates flex dollars, it creates a standard time record for each employee in PR30.1 (Standard Time Record). You should enroll employees in their benefits before the first payroll run of the flex plan year to offset the standard time record. (For information on how the Benefits Administration application tracks flex dollars, see the Benefits Administration User Guide.) If you change flex dollar parameters in BN08.1 (Flex Credits) and re-run BN145 to Update, it recalculates flex dollars. You can recalculate flexdollars using BN145 until you enroll employees in benefits. If you change anemployee's flex dollar record in BN45.1 (Employee Flex Dollars) and re-run BN145, it does not create a new flex dollar record for the employee for the flex plan year. BN145 uses parameters from the Salary Calculation and Age Credits subform in BN08.1 (Flex Credits) to determine an employee's age and salary. You can override the salary and recalculate flex dollars in BN45.1.

Updated Files
BENEFIT - No Description Available.
CKPOINT - No Description Available.
EMDEDMASTR - No Description Available.
EMPFLEXDOL - No Description Available.
EMPFLEXREM - No Description Available.
EMPLOYEE - No Description Available.
PRREGPARM - No Description Available.
STANDTIME - No Description Available.
ZBNUXLOG - No Description Available.

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File created: Thu Jun 09 11:10:32 2016

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