11 Cloud Technology Predictions for 2022

Cloud technology and cloud usage has grown in importance for our everyday work, school, and personal lives. Despite the ease of use, there are major areas to focus on such as portability and connectivity, on reining in the cost of these elastic services, and on a rebalancing of cloud versus on-prem workloads. Database Trends and Applications (DBTA) writers Joyce Wells and Stephanie Simone share 11 cloud technology predictions from IT leaders for 2022 and the coming years.

  1. Cloud-native apps go to the edge
  2. “The Great Resignation” and IT talent shortage will create a push to cloud adoption
  3. 2022 will see the first public cloud vendor make its services available on another public cloud
  4. Revisiting cloud investments and best practices in 2022
  5. On-prem storage will increase in importance
  6. The marriage of cloud and edge computing
  7. Hybrid (everything) is here to stay
  8. Multi-cloud infrastructures will become mainstream
  9. Hybrid cloud is a reality and a multi-cloud strategy is a no-brainer
  10. The value of multi-cloud will be challenged
  11. A large-scale software supply chain attack will take down a major cloud computing service


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