PA534 - e-Recruiting Employee Export

Run e-Recruiting Employee Export (PA534) to: - Create a comma-separated value (CSV) file with data for all employees that includes general information, education, certifications, and competencies. This file is directly sent to e-Recruiting for processing. - Create a CSV file with employees whose general information, education, certification, or competency data has changed. This file is also sent to e-Recruiting for processing. - Use a CSV file provided by the e-Recruiting application to purge pending employee update records. When e-Recruiting has processed the records or changes, it sends a turnaround file which indicates which records were successfully updated. The updated records are purged from PAe-Recruiting file. Records not successfully updated are left in the file and are included in the next "Changes" CSV file.

Updated Files
CKPOINT - No Description Available.
PAERECRUIT - No Description Available.

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File created: Thu Jun 09 11:23:04 2016

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