PA149 - Update Scheduled Tests

Run Update Scheduled Tests (PA149) to schedule employees for a test. You can use PA149 to: - Identify employees and applicants with overdue tests; - Schedule tests for employees who require renewal or follow up tests; - Schedule tests for employees who are newly eligible for tests; for example, due to a personnel action change; - Schedule tests for applicants who require a follow up action; - Schedule a group of employees for a test; for example when a new test is required; - Schedule a group of employees for a test; or - Update the renewal and follow up dates and tests for completed tests. You can create a comma-separated value (CSV) file that can be merged into a standard notification document and sent to the employee. In addition, a workflow email message can be sent to the employee, the manager, or both.

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File created: Thu Jun 09 11:22:53 2016

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