DR42.1 - Time Phased Order Point by Buyer

Use Time Phased Order Point by Buyer (DR42.1) to view item availability by theweek for any given period. Item availability is based on the actual and forecasted supply and demand for an item. This form displays the planned order file created by DR100 (Distribution Requirements Report). You can also display planned orders and adjust them (if needed) in DR25 (Planned Orders). The Plan Date/Time field indicates when planned order records were created. This form displays by buyer code: open customer orders, purchase orders, open intransit transfers, requisitions, planned orders, and remaining forecasts. These records display in time sequence and are summarized by the week using estimated shipping dates for customer orders, and estimated delivery dates forpurchase orders and intransit transfers.

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File created: Thu Jun 09 11:17:30 2016

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