BN35.1 - Benefit Change Audit

Use Benefit Change Audit (BN35.1) to view changes that BN100 (Employee Benefit Update) uses to determine which benefits are updated. **Processing Effect Using this form, you can prevent BN100 from processing a change by holding or deleting the change. If you place a change on hold, BN100 will not process the change until it is released from hold status. Deleting a change on this form does not affect the actual change made to the employee. BN35.1 displays changes made by personnel actions in the Personnel Administration application to the following information. - Employee group membership. - Benefit postal code. - Salary, including an employee's job code, FTE (Full-Time Equivalent), rate of pay, step, grade, schedule, salary class, or benefit salaries 1 through 5. - Pay frequency - Birthdate - Service date - Smoker status

Updated Files
BNCHANGE - No Description Available.
BNGRPCHG - No Description Available.

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File created: Thu Jun 09 11:10:20 2016

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