BN18.7 - Match Percent Schedule

Use Match Percent Schedule (BN18.7) to define contributions for a plan in which employees contribute a percent or an amount that the companymatches. Use this form only if the Contribution Type field is Match Percent Schedule in BN15.1 (Benefit Plan) for the plan. This form is not valid for COBRAparticipant and retiree contributions. **Processing Effect The company match is calculated as a percentage of the employee's contribution and can be fixed or cumulative. If the match calculation is fixed, the company match directly corresponds to the percent of the employee's contribution. If the match is cumulative, the company match varies by incremental percents. The company match varies as the employee's contribution percent increases. For example: A plan matches 50 percent of employee contributions from one percent up to four percent and 25 percent of employee contributions from five percent up to 10 percent. If the match calculation is fixed and an employee contributes three percent, the company match is 1.5 (0.5 * 3). If the employee contributes seven percent, the company match is 1.75 (0.25 * 7). If the match calculation is cumulative and an employee contributes three percent, the company match is 1.5 (0.5 * 3). If the employee contributes seven percent, the company match is 50 percent of the first four percent and 25 percent of the next three percent, or 2.75 percent (0.5 * 4 + 0.25 * 3). Any amounts on this form use the currency associated with the plan on BN15.1 (Benefit Plan).

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File created: Thu Jun 09 11:10:18 2016

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