BN16.3 - Change Rules

Use Change Rules (BN16.3) to define the date used to update benefits for employees whose benefits change because of a personnel action. BN100(Employee Benefit Update) uses the rules you define in this form to automatically change the benefits. **More Information Define change rules for personnel actions that affect an employee's current benefits. An employee's current benefits are affected by the following changes. - The employee's membership in an employee group changes, making him or her eligible for different coverage, contributions or general ledger overrides. - The employee's salary changes. Salary changes include changes made to the employee's job code, FTE (Full-Time Equivalent), rate of pay, step, grade, schedule, salary class, or benefit salaries 1 through 5. - The employee's pay frequency changes. You can define change rules for a flex plan, plan type, or a benefit plan. If a change affects a flex plan, all benefit plans for the employee under the flex plan are changed. If all benefit plans under a plan type (such as all dental plans) have the same change rules, define change rules only for the plan type. You do not need to define rules for each plan under the plan type. BN100 (Employee Benefit Update) stops the appropriate benefits the day before the change date and adds benefits effective on the change date. If an employee's membership in an employee group, salary, or pay frequency changes but no change rules exist, BN100 (Employee Benefit Update) only lists the employee's affected benefits.

Updated Files
BNWAIT - No Description Available.

Referenced Files
BENEFIT - No Description Available.
BNCOMPANY - No Description Available.
FLEXPLAN - No Description Available.
OCCURTYPE - No Description Available.
PAYCLASS - No Description Available.
PCODES - No Description Available.
PERSACTYPE - No Description Available.
PERSGROUP - No Description Available.
PLAN - No Description Available.
PRSYSTEM - No Description Available.

File created: Thu Jun 09 11:10:16 2016

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