AP177 - Financial Reporting Update

For UNIX/Windows platforms:Run Financial Reporting Update (AP177) to provide adjustments or difference postings for Stock Ledger or Purchase Journal Interface. Run this form after you run AP175 (which sets the PULL-FOR-FR-FL flag to Y (Yes) in the APDISTRIB table) and AP176 (which sets the PULL-FOR-FR-FL flag to Y (Yes) in the APDISCACC table). For the System i platform:Run Financial Reporting Update (AP177) to provide adjustments or difference postings for Stock Ledger or Purchase Journal Interface. Run this form after you run AP175 (which sets the PLFRFL flag to Y (Yes) in the DBAPAPD table) and AP176 (which sets the PLFRFL flag to Y (Yes) in the DBAPDSK table). **Processing Effect For UNIX/Windows platforms:AP177 reads the APDISTRIB table and pulls the records with PULL-FOR-FR-FL = Y (Yes) and inserts them into the APFRIEXP table. At the same time, the form sets the PULL-FOR-FR-FL to N (No) in APDISTRIB. Then AP177 reads the APDISCACC table and pulls the records with PULL-FOR-FR-FL = Y (Yes) and inserts them into the APFRIEXP table. At the same time the form sets the PULL-FOR-FR-FL to N (No) in APDISCACC. You then need to write a form that reads the APFRIEXP table and updates your non-Lawson retail systems. For the System i platform:AP177 reads the DBAPAPD table and pulls the records with PLFRFL = Y (Yes) and inserts them into the DBAPAFX table. At the same time, the form sets the PLFRFL to N (No) in DBAPAPD. Then AP177 reads the DBAPDSK table and pulls the records with PLFRFL = Y (Yes) and inserts them into the DBAPAFX table. At the same time the form sets the PLFRFL to N (No) in DBAPDSK. You then need to write a form that reads the DBAPAFX table and updates your non-Lawson retail systems.

Updated Files
APDISCACC - No Description Available.
APDISTRIB - No Description Available.
APFRIEXP - No Description Available.
CKPOINT - No Description Available.
MACOMPANY - No Description Available.

Referenced Files
MACOMPANY - No Description Available.

File created: Wed Jun 08 20:47:50 2016

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