BS06.1 - Benefits Cycle Rules

Use Benefits Cycle Rules (BS06.1) to manage benefits cycle data. The form allows Web Benefits Enrollment to handle mid-year hires and mid-year changes for spending account plans. These plans are tied to flexible plans on BenefitPlan (BN15.1) that have a Contribution Type of 5 (Contribution Limits), where employees specify a flat dollar amount. **More Information Regardless of the benefits enrollment type (Annual, New Hire, or LifeEvents), the benefits cycle rules needs the following for every spending account plan: A begin and end date range and the number of cycles remaining sothat each divisor and employee pay frequency can display the correct cost in the web benefit enrollment tasks. However,l for an annual cost divisor, the system assumes that there is only one cycle remaining. The number of cycles for the benefit plan specified in this form is used to determine how the contributiosn should be displayed on the web election screens and a benefit enrollment on the server.

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BNCYCDTL - No Description Available.
BNCYCLE - No Description Available.

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PROTPAYPRD - No Description Available.
PROVERTIME - No Description Available.
PRSYSTEM - No Description Available.

File created: Thu Jun 09 02:10:35 2016

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