AP02.4 - Income Code

Use Income Code (AP02.4) to define and maintain income codes for a company. Income codes are used to track a vendor's taxable income, such as 1099 reportable income, for reporting or withholding purposes. **More Information You can assign an income code to a vendor class in AP00.3 (Vendor Class), to a vendor or vendor location in AP10 (Vendor), or to an invoice in AP20 (Invoice Entry), AP30 (Invoice Maintenance), or AP45.1 (Reportable Income Adjustment). Run AP245 (Reportable Income Report) to list reportable income that has been tracked by the application. You can create 1099 reportable income tax forms or tapes by running AP145 (1099 Forms Creation) or AP146 (1099 Tape Creation). Income codes follow a system default hierarchy that ultimately assigns the codes to invoices in AP20 (Invoice Entry).

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File created: Thu Jun 09 02:07:53 2016

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